Saturday, March 3, 2012

Enslaved to Law of Reason

Back in October I wrote a post about lawyers, well God has continued that pattern in my life. Today I dropped my friend off at church and I headed to the park to spend time with God. However, I was either making wrong turns or the way I wanted to go was blocked off. I became really frustrated and settled with  taking the extra long way to get there. So I end up driving on University and a thought popped into my mind, "I can either see this as a coincidence, or I can believe God is doing something." I then remembered how I have always wanted to go sit by the Brazos behind the Law School Building. So I did. When I got there I was moved to go inside and for an hour God led me to pray for this building and for the law students. (It was pretty neat). I finally go and sit down to spend time with God. And when I did, this is what He showed me:

Law of Reason
There was a scroll unfolding before me and it created a path for me to walk on. I soon realized what this scroll represented: it was the laws that have been set before us, it was the laws that we lived under. When I started walking, it was like walking through a park with green grass and oak trees, but that quickly changed as I continued.  As it rolled, it led me into all types of evil and corruption. I knew that this path even led to hell. These are the things that I saw to my right and left:  women were being raped and abused, sexual perversion leading to death, I saw hunger and starvation, and babies being murdered. I saw chains being attached to people and then being chained to the ground. I saw huge cement blocks titled "labor,"  being forced onto the backs of men, there was incredible disease, and I saw the innocent being robbed and executed. 
What once was a nice delightful path with grass, trees, and life, is now hell on earth leading to eternity in hell. As I kept walking, I saw more and more demons chaining everyone to the ground. No one was free. When I came to the end of the path, I saw Reason- an idol, a goddess- that so many serve. She had the balance scales in her hand. She (Reason) laughed at all of the destruction that she had created. I saw the Overseers of the law, the people who had power and authority over it (lawyers, politicians, people of influence etc.). The overseers once thought Reason was serving them, but now they are chained to her. I saw her fall into hell, bringing all who were enslaved to her. 

Law by Faith
I was walking on a path of law again. It was not like a scroll unraveling, but it was a golden street. I saw these words on giant blacks suspended in the sky: JUSTICE, HOLINESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and PURITY. This was the covering of the law. All that did not obey the law could not survive under it.  like Everything that was evil that tried to walk on this path was weakened and died. Even the sin and evil that covered people broke off under this power and they became the way God intended for them to be. Their original design. The ground was stable and unmoved. It was unshakable. All who walked here were healed, restored and free. 

I came home thinking about all that God had shown to me. I decided to look up the word reason thinking I would find a picture of the balance or something. As I was searching through images, I found an icon called "Reason Rally." I discovered this event taking place March 24, 2012 in Washington D.C.. The fear of the Lord came upon me. Reason Rally is a gathering of "secular leaders" (atheists) empowering and encouraging for a secular movement. Their "intent is to unify, energize, and embolden secular people nationwide. Whether people call themselves atheists, agnostics, secular Humanists, or any of the other terms used to describe their god-free lifestyle, secularism is coming out of the closet." Supporters of this rally leaders are strongly against Freedom of Religion. They are radical people who have a loud voice. This is not okay.If you read this please please please start praying for God to Radically move among these people. That the Church would be awakened and stand up for our rights. Pray that God's love would fall among every person involved in this. Please don't become angry at these people. My heart breaks for them because they do not know God. We do not hate the sinner but hate the sin. God is inviting us into something great that He wants to do in our country. Let us not just sit back and hope for the best. We have a direct access to the living God, so lets pray!
Here are some prayer points:
That God's presence would fill up National Mall.
That every leader and person there would encounter the living God. That they would not be satisfied with the message being proclaimed, but they would be left asking more questions about Jesus than they ever have before.
 I would even challenge you to fast on March 24th. Yes.. Fast!

Below is a testimony I watched this morning that really speaks on the power of prayer and how powerful God is in situations like this... Go watch now! 

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