Sunday, January 29, 2012

Unique. Unique. Unique. Unique.

How is it that in this world sin is exalted and holiness is looked down upon? How blinded we have become! Inward beauty is of little worth and outward beauty (which is hardly achievable by the standards set before us) is what we seek after to attain. If only the world knew that the most-high God sees you as His masterpiece, something that cannot be replicated. You are the one and only, the most beautiful of its kind. You are a reflection of God’s heart and creativity; something beyond wonderful. But “they” say we must conform to look like “that”.. We must look the same. It ROBS and STEALS so many of knowing their true value, brainwashing us to believe we are worthless and less than pleasing. Woe to the ones who lead his little ones astray; who guide them into the lies of the evil one.

This was stirred by a dream I had. I walked into this makeup store and there were different things being offered. Lady GaGa was there and she was promoting a lipstick/ nail polish product. It was gaudy and glamorous and took over the entire room. I remember her influence and pride, knowing she had the power to turn others to her product. My friend was also in the store selling clensing face wash and makeup remover. No one noticed her, nor did they was her product because it was less appealing. It reminded me how people would rather put makeup on than take it off. Outward appearance is greater than inward holiness.

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