Saturday, January 19, 2019

2019: The Shaking of Nations, the Great Release, and the Harvest

January 1, 2019

On the first day of this year, I was spending time with the Lord and He began to speak to me about what is to happen in this next season. I am not sure if it is restricted to 2019 or if it goes beyond that, but I feel it will begin in 2019.

I heard the Lord say:

“Much will be happening this year surrounding the nations. I will send out my voice and they will tremble before me. Where they have risen up against me and have attempted to sit upon my throne, I will send them into great confusion. It is not time yet for the end and the Anit-Christ, so I will set them back like Nebuchadnezzar. I will humble their great pride and I will allow them to experience their great shame. Much of this will be done under the leadership of Trump. You must keep him and your leaders fervently in your prayers. Trump will also see that it is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit. My Spirit. My Spirit I have sent out like a whirlwind across the four corners to shake the earth by MY might. Yes. Keep your eyes upon the nations. No one can stop this wind of the Spirit. No one can stop this breath from going out. It will cause the ground to shake and tremble and open up. The graves of my martyrs. My people. My Word. My Promises. My seeds that have fallen to the ground, thought dead, I will resurrect with a Mighty Sound. The song of the once dead will come alive and inhabit the earth singing a NEW SONG that will fill the earth. The year of NEW LIFE.

Isaiah 33:3 At the uproar of your army, the peoples flee; when you rise up, the nations scatter.

Isaiah 59:19 From the west, people will fear the name of the LORD, and from the rising of the sun, they will revere his glory. For he will come like a pent-up flood that the breath of the LORD drives along.


Scattering of the nations at my rising. Alyssa the earth has never seen what I am about to do in your day- in this next year. Something that the earth and the people will be shocked to see and experience, both in my Body and among the nations. This is the beginning of my Great Release. I have given Satan time and the wicked time to build up their immorality, but it is the time of Great Release. The people will say, “Only God” and “He is the only one who could have done this.” Yes. There will be those who still choose evil, however they will be held against Romans 1, 2, and 3. They will have no excuse because they saw God/ CHRIST and denied him. However, MANY WILL FIND ME!!! Heaven is singing, celebrating and preparing for all that will come into the Kingdom this year! This is the beginning of the time of “You will do even Greater things than these” and “Beyond what you could have thought or imagined.” Yes. Think of how my Israelites had never seen the sea part, the 10 plagues, or Manna. That is what will happen in your day. In your time. I have been preparing hearts to receive me in the secret place. And when I appear, they will know me.

Alyssa, the monster of abortion will fall in your nation and a monument of life will resurrect. I will wash this land of injustice because of the cries and prayers that have come before me.”