Monday, November 21, 2011

Lawyers for Jesus

God is up to something (like always). This semester God started putting lawyers on my heart. I have no idea why to be honest. I have no close connection to law and I never plan on being a lawyer. In fact, I hardly know that many people who are lawyers.
Instance #1: It started back in September when a few friends and I decided to go treasure hunting. (Treasure hunting is when you ask God for clues like colors, locations, names, descriptions to lead you to people to talk to). Here are the words we received prior to heading out: Cindy, a girl with purple shirt in produce section of Wal-Mart, red and white stripes, a boot/cast and healing. We were off. We arrive to Wal-Mart and the first person we see walking out is a woman with the same boot/cast on her foot as seen in the picture earlier. So we go and ask to pray for her and she was totally open to prayer. She had been living the last 4 months with some type of dysfunction/ infection that had caused her to lose the arch in her foot. We prayed and she was healed J (That has nothing to do with lawyers, but it was still awesome). So we go into the store and walk around for a bit and eventually make our way to the produce section. Behind us was a woman with brown hair and a purple shirt, and with her was a girl who had a red and white striped shirt (of course). So we go up to them and ask if they needed prayer. They quickly said no and continued gathering what they needed. They seemed overwhelmed/ annoyed with us. So we asked if we could later pray for whatever they were busy with. Then one of the girls snapped at us, “Law school. Just pray for that.” And they walked off. I felt a little discouraged, but more so I felt my passion start welling up. We need lawyers who love Jesus! We need people in law who will fight for justice and righteousness! We need people who represent our God and not their own desires. I really have no idea where that came from but it was definitely a fire that was growing.
#2: Fast forward to later that night. I was talking with one of my high school friends who I hadn’t talked to in a long time. We were talking about life and what we had been up to. I talked about what God has been up to and he was really interested in it. He mentioned that he was thinking about going to law school… he has a passion for the poor people of Alabama and wanted to represent them. (I quickly made the connection to what happened earlier that day). We started talking about Jesus and after our conversation he decided to give his life to Jesus! Wow!! God is going to use him in such extraordinary ways; I am so excited for his life! I love the way God places His own dreams in the hearts of men. His heart beats through our lives.  
2. Fast forward three days later… I was hanging out at home and my roommate Emily had a friend over. Meagan comes up to me and says that she thinks her name is CINDY. Cindy was the name that I heard when we were waiting on God a few days prior. We started talking to her and she passionately loves Jesus. Even just talking to her you can feel His love through her. She is a student at Baylor and she is wanted to fight for Justice. She wants to represent people who cannot represent themselves. But instead of going into the political realm she is working to empower businesses in different countries. This once again confirmed in my heart that God is moving in big ways.
Here is instance number 3: God seems to put me in positions to intercede for law students. I started working at Ridgewood Country Club and last Saturday I was working a banquet for Baylor Law School Prom. Through-out the night I would just pray for them. To be honest, it was kind of difficult just because of the situation. I was a bit discouraged but had faith God was at work. Later that night my friend Caitlin (shout out to Cait!) texted me saying that she had been going to this lifegroup in Katy, and her leader was a lawyer. She said she just wanted to tell me because she remembered me saying we needed Godly lawyers. Praise God!!
I started catching on that there is something up with lawyers. There are too many instances for this just to be a coincidence. So this morning I ask God what he was doing? He didn’t tell me anything specific but He did say this: Lawyers are defenders of the weak. They get to be a voice to those who have no voice. They my people are being accused, they get to represent me.
Instance #4: Tonight I went to Panera Bread for dinner and was reading a book. God highlighted this girl that was sitting at a table near me. He gave me a word about His love for her and that His love sustains her in every season. I debated on whether to tell her or not, but God gave me His perspective on the situation. (That always gets me over there). He said He wanted her to know that she is seen, known, and sought after. How could I not tell her that??  I deliver that word to her and she was so open to it. She said she really really appreciated it and that she is a Christian too. I asked if I could pray for her and she said she had been stressed because of  law school… (She would be in law school.) I was super excited to pray for her! She said she was actually at that banquet the other night too! Also she actually goes to my church! I am so blown away by Gods faithfulness and they way he is after these people.
So anyways.. Thought this was really neat. God is really neat. Wouldn't be surprised if something like this happens again. Once I figure out why this is happening, I will let yah know :)


  1. First of all, I truly hope you see this. Second of all, I know this is long, but I hope you read it. Wow, God.

    I don't know you and I am sure I never will, but I want to thank you for this post. I believe God truly wanted me to read this. I am a Christian who is 21 and about to graduate college. I have been struggling with where God is leading me with my future. No matter what, I want God to be glorified through me. Ever since I was 13 years old, I have wanted to go to law school. Since then, I have been on the fast track to go to law school. I am graduating college in May and I have been so crazy here lately. I took the LSAT back in June and scored not so great. I foolishly did nothing to prepare for the test. I got a score good enough for very low ranked law schools, but it is not a score good enough for a genuinely good law school. I was devastated. I was just so sure God was calling me into the legal field to fight human trafficking, to be a voice for the voiceless.

    I just completely gave up on everything law. I again foolishly believed God must have not been calling me to that after all. I completely abandoned the law school aspiration. I decided I was going to go to seminary to be a missionary. Even though I never have admitted this to anyone, in my heart I know I thought I was too stupid to do anything else, so I would just get a seminary degree and hope for missions opportunities. Here lately, in my last year of college, I have been feeling down about the law school thing. You see, the fire, desire and passion for fighting against injustice that satan has caused in this world has still been burning inside of me. I refused to even think about law school or anything that reminded me that I was not going to law school anymore.

    God just spoke to me this semester and has broken me again. I had a dream that I was ministering to victims of human trafficking, but in my dream, I was depressed. I was sad because I could not look those beautiful girls in the face and promise them that I would do everything in my power to go after the person that did this to them. I could not promise that I would fight for them and be their voice. When I woke up, I felt so down. A few weeks later, I just felt an overwhelming voice saying to take the LSAT one more time and actually prepare for it. I felt like God was telling me: yes I can use you as a lawyer, do your part, work hard and I will enable you, discipline. I prayed incredibly much that night, pouring my heart out more than I can recall ever doing. I told God that my life is His life, use it, I will do WHATEVER, just show me the way. The next morning, I woke up to an email that said "3 reasons to take the February LSAT." I nearly cried. I know God was telling me to take that LSAT one more time and prepare for it with everything I have, through His power and strength. I have been preparing all ready. I have had a strength and discipline that is from nowhere except the Holy Spirit. If I get a higher score on the LSAT in February, I will go on to law school, and I will fight the injustice of human trafficking in the name of Jesus.

    So here is how you come in to all this, if you can't tell all ready haha. Even though I feel so much more peace and strength, I have been struggling with going to law school and becoming a lawyer. I have been letting satan convince me that God cannot use a lawyer. That is such a lie. Even though I know it is such a lie, I still find myself believing it sometimes. Tonight, I have been really struggling. I got on here and googled something along the lines of "lawyers for Jesus" in hopes to read testimonies. Instead, I found this page. It was such an encouragement to me. You will never know how much I needed to read this. God definitely led me to this page. You are right, the world needs more Godly lawyers, especially to be a voice for the powerless, poor, and weak. Thank you for this. All I ask now is that you pray for me as I go on to take the LSAT again in February. Thank you.

    Acts 20:24

    1. This reply came a lot later than I intended it to! But when I read your comment I was so thrilled!! I think I may have jumped up and down and/or squealed. I was excited :) I love love love hearing about people who are passionate about Jesus and who are passionate about the dreams on God's heart. And on top of that I never expected Him to use my little blog to be apart of someone's greater story. HOW COOL! God is so good!

      Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I truley believe in my heart that you will be (and already are) God's word (Isaiah 61) living and moving. God's plans for you are secure and good. Thank you so much for being obediant because you are much needed for our body and for the lost. I really am so excited for you!! Praying for you as you study, but also that God would align your heart and his in every way! Embrace your weakness :) because that is where God's grace and power is perfected. Good luck! Happy New Year!


      P.s. Ever thought about Baylor Law School in Waco, TX?? You should ;) That is where I am from and also my church has just started a Anti Human Traffiking program this past year for our area. It is called Unbound. Our church is really on fire against injustices. They have worked some with Christine Caine and the A21 Campaign. Just throwing that out there!! lol
