Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Great Hall of Honor

The Great Hall of Honor 
           This is a picture I received the other day while spending time with God: 
           Jesus and I were walking down a path that was set with golden bricks. It seemed to stretch out for eternity, but somehow I could see where it ended. This path was suspended in the air and it led to a city/ mansion that was held up in the sky. It was interesting because on the bottom side of the city, there was life growing. Trees and vines of flowers thrived. It looked like an upside down forest. We started to walk together and an angel flew by and said, “Hi Alyssa!” I was a little taken off guard and asked Jesus how he know knew my name?! He replied, “Alyssa, many of the angels know who you are! They love to watch and observe you. Many times they even ask to go see you! They can see you heart. They see that you have chosen me in the midst of darkness. Alyssa, did you know your heart is so pure that it shines so bright that it reaches heaven! Every time you choose me it shines brighter and brighter!” Wow! I had no idea!!
            We continued to walk and I realized we were standing over an ocean. We were so high above the waters, yet I could still see all the gems and jewels that filled the bottom of the sea floor. We finally entered under a giant arch way into the city. There were no gates because it was open to all. We walked under the entrance and there were writings above us. The writings described the purpose of this place. It stated that is was “The Great Hall of Honor.” Jesus and I went into the hall and it seemed like it could go on forever! On the walls were golden bricks, each with a name inscribed on it. These golden bricks were just like the ones that we walked on to get here. Jesus touched the brick and a small scroll popped out. It read “Resisted the temptation of Satan” When it was read aloud, a flood of emotions rolled into the hall. It was the feeling of a proud father! I was taken into that same feeling and I was in awe of this person that I didn’t even know. Excitement and a sense of great victory also came to me. Jesus touched another brick. This said, “She laid down her life for a friend.” The same emotions came again, just as strong as before. Jesus kept reading others: “Sought to be in My presence, chose to fallow Me and be rejected by his family, forgave his enemy, in times of trial, she looked to Me, and remained in the fire when could have taken the easy way out.”  Jesus started to explain, “Alyssa, each one of these statements is a decision of ‘choosing me.’ Each brick that is in this hall is a representation of a brick that was laid down on the same path that we took to get here. Their choice of ‘choosing me’ brings the Kingdom to earth every time. They have all made a way, they have built a path of great FAITH for others, so that the ones that come behind them can continue forward. Alyssa you fall into a long lineage of family that has picked me over the world. They and you will be greatly honored for this.  Every decision you ever make will be accounted for. It not only will be awarded, but it will carry on through the end of time. It has the power to build up or tear down. Do you want to know what one of your scrolls will read?” I replied, “Yes, of course!” He spoke, “Stepped out of the boat in great faith!” I asked Jesus why he showed me all of this. He said, “Well earlier today your heart was feeling insignificant and I wanted to show you how significant you are! I wanted to show you that even the smallest decisions you make are honored and will affect the rest of eternity, both heaven and earth.” 

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