Friday, November 9, 2012

The Greatest Master

Jesus gave me a picture: I was running really fast, getting faster and faster. A great wind came from behind me, lifting me up and I started to fly. I was then given wings that allowed me to go higher. I landed next to a pyramid in Egypt. When I touched the pyramid, I was taken to ancient Egypt. As I looked around I saw all of the people who did not know my God, but they live serving false gods. They worshiped not out of joy, but out of fear. Fear was a cloud, a blanket that covered and oppressed them. The people served these gods because they were enslaved to them. They were fearfully attached and dependent on the gods of that time. They did not know anything different than that.

Then I touched a Bible and I was taken to the cross and the crucifixion. Jesus kept yelling, “LOVE!! LOVE!! LOVE!!” We worship him out of the love and freedom we have received. We are not driven by fear like the Egyptians, but we respond out of this pure love that has been given to us. He RULES by love. This is the purest form of freedom. This freedom could only be obtained by Jesus. If his love is not there, he is not their either. His love is FULL.

Similar to the ancient Egyptians, we today still “serve false gods” and we are enslaved to them. When people are fearful of not being able to provide for their families, they are enslaved to work. When you are fearful of not being accepted, you are enslaved to comparison. But when we serve God we are free to love and be loved. We only know this love because he came as love. When other gods say, “SERVE ME” Jesus says I have come to serve you.
You should watch this video!! Powerful...full of truth and revelation! It could change you...

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