Sunday, October 23, 2011

A vision of Heaven

So last week (October 17) we were worshiping at elevate and I felt like God said, "Sit down, I have something I want to share with you." And what he showed me really still blows my mind. For awhile I just thought God showed me this because he loves me and he wanted to give me revelation.. but after speaking with people, I realized this revelation was for anyone who will listen.

So.... In this vision I was taken to heaven. I started at the gate, and I was a child. The gate had beautiful small jewels that made an extravagant design. and the gate was super tall. When I walked inside and there were a few angels around. I heard "Holy, holy, holy." And the angels fell down and started to worship. I (for some reason) was still able to stand and I started running to where the music was. When I got there, there were millions of people singing worship songs. Each person was singing a different song, but I was still able to distinguish the individual songs. ((Because I don't believe I could fully understand, Jesus gave me a picture. The worship was like an ocean.. it had the roaring and chaos of the waves but there was still rhythm and harmony to it.)) Jesus was at the center and just receiving all of the songs and praises. All of the children and heaven were gathered at his feet (including myself). The people got quiet and then praises filled the heavens.. similar to a loud speaker. Jesus said that these were the praises of the people on earth. In fact this was the praises of my Elevate class right now. ((When we sing and worship, it literally fills the heavens) Crazy!))

The next place Jesus took me was to his armies. They were angels and heavenly creatures dressed in full armor and weapons. They were giant-especially because I was still a child! Waters fell from the heavens and anointed them and then fire fell from the heavens and anointed them. Then Jesus was at the front telling them, "WE ALREADY HAVE THE VICTORY, NOW GO!" and they randomly started to disappear. I could see them on the earth fighting against demons.. Alongside of us. But when they were on earth they didn't have any weapons, they only needed the power God had given them. ----I love this. We should never have fear because we are fighting with an all powerful God! Not to mention alongside angels... And We already know what the end results will be.. VICTORY! We are more than conquers. No doubts, no fear, no second guessing if God will show up or not. okay..

The next place I was taken to was very serene and peaceful. It was just me and Jesus and he showed me this pool of water/ pond. He said that this was an intersession pool. When we pray they are sent up into heaven and caught into this pool. Then I saw the smallest drop of water leak from the pool and fall to the earth and there was a huge explosion. I started playing in the water and swimming around and then I said to Jesus, "this pond seems really small to hold everyone's prayers." Then he said, "This is YOUR intercession pond." I looked out beyond my pond and saw oceans of intercession ponds and then I saw them rain down and flood over the earth. Then God reminded me of Matthew 17:20  He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." ---Our prayers are lifted up to heaven and then they come back down in power! They are powerful and effective and will move mountains in the spiritual realm..and or natural realm :). Never doubt the power of prayer!

The last place I was taken was to the throne room and this time I was 22 years old. I was walking down the aisle.. I was dressed in a beautiful gown, with a robe that had a trail and there was a crown on my head. As I was walking there were people cheering and singing and rejoicing for me. When I got to the throne, Jesus was there and he handed me a scepter. It was gold and had jewels embedded in it. I took the scepter and pounded it three times, and then I saw God's power released over the earth. I pounded it again three times, and again I saw his power released over the earth. I felt like God said that this isn't a reward that I will receive in heaven, but this is something I have access to now on this earth, during this life.  Then I was reminded of Moses and the staff he carried. When he pounded his staff, God revealed his power and wonder. God said that I (and you) have that same power and authority that Moses had.

Then I opened my eyes and I was back in Elevate.. A little confused as to what was going on, but more amazed and what I had just experienced. When you read this I hope you don't finish thinking, "Wow Alyssa is special for experiencing this and this only applies to her." Because that is definitley not my intention in posting this blog. I want you to take away that heaven is our reality. Even though we don't fully see or understand it, as christians, we are constantly connecting and accessing things in the heavenly realm! From our worship, to our prayers, to our warriors, to the power and authority God has given us! I pray that this would increase your faith, hope and trust in the Lord. I pray that you claim and walk in the authority God has given you!

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