Monday, July 30, 2012

The Beautiful Bride

This post is an experience I had during my China adventure last month. It has nothing really to do with China, and has everything to do with the heart of Jesus.
            Sometimes Jesus will speak to me through dreams. Not all the time, but sometimes. So while I was traveling in China, I was having dreams almost every night! So here are a couple of them:
1.      In this dream I saw my mom. She came up to me and told me that she has many boyfriends. My dad was there and heard her, but there was no reaction from him. However when she said that, I began to weep. I was in so much pain. I woke up from that dream and I could tell that I had really been crying in my sleep and that grief was still there. I assumed that that dream was surely not from God and put it to the side.

2.      The next night I had another dream. In this dream, the missionary that we had been traveling with came up to me and told me that his wife had left him. I thought, “No way! I would have never thought that this would have been possible! How could that happen???” Next, I walk into another room. My friend (who in real life had just gotten married a couple weeks prior) told me that her and her husband had gotten a divorce and that she had already been remarried! She said that he had an expectation that she didn’t want to meet and asked for a divorce. This new man that she married was fragile looking, pale, weak, and he had no character compared to her prior husband who was strong physically, has strong character and is bold.  Once again I woke up again and was like surely that was not from the Lord!
Later that day, the Lord graciously helped me make the connection between the two dreams. I asked him, “Lord! Why did I have two dreams of broken marriages and of divorce?” Jesus replied to me, “I am speaking to you about the burden that I carry for my church, who is my bride. This is something that has always been on my heart. I have chosen her to be the one that my heart loves and I will come for her and my glory will shine through her purity. She will not be perfect, but she is redeemed. There is a thought that the church will reach “perfection” and then I will come for her, but that is not my will. It is not perfection, but abounding grace that covers her and that grace is what the world will see. Every church, every part of the body will be marked by my redemption. Just as you are pure and spotless in my eyes, so will she be.
            But the reason I am speaking to you in dreams is to reveal her current condition. She is self seeking, walking by her own understanding, feeling no guilt or remorse because she doesn’t know that what she is doing is wrong. It is not your job to open her eyes, but I have chosen you to speak my word.
            Prayer can change the direction of a destiny. Like a train track, just a small resetting of a track can change the final destination. I am asking you to remember my grief for her, remember my love for her, remember my jealousy for her, and remember my devotion to her. Carry this in your heart, not to have a heart of condemnation, but for Great Hope!”

Come forth beautiful one, the most beautiful one,
For the bridegroom has been waiting for your return.
He has love for you.
He has joy for you.
He has life for you.
Together you shine so bright that all of the world can see.

Come forth beautiful one, the most beautiful one,
For the bridegroom adores you.
You are like white before him.
He has hope for you.
He has plans for you.
He has a marvelous future for you.
Together you shine so bright that all of the world can see. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Final Phase

God said to me, “I am about to deliver a powerful message.”

I was in heaven and I was fallowing Jesus down an aisle. There were crowds angels surrounding us on each side and once we passed they closed in behind us. I looked like royalty. I was wearing a pink/purple gown and had on a jeweled robe, a crown, and wings. We walked up to the front and continued up the steps to a podium. I stood to his left. Jesus was about to announce something to all of heaven. There was a small wooden box on the podium and when Jesus opened it, there was a key inside. He then handed the wooden box to me. He took the key and held it into the air and unlocked what seemed to be like an imaginary lock suspended in the sky. When He unlocked it, revelation and understanding were released to all in heaven. It was understanding of the past and the present concerning what Jesus was about to speak on. I personally could not fully understand, but I knew that He was showing heaven the story that God had created through time and where we were in the story now.
Then Jesus said to me, “Alyssa, I am about to tell them about my next move. This will impact every nation and every person. We are moving into the ‘final phase.’ This is why we have all gathered here. I am bringing Zechariah 2 to life.”
Then Zechariah, the prophet, came forward to the podium and he brought with him a book. It was the book of his life. He recalled his vision and spoke it out to the crowd. It was like the moment he spoke it, it was set free over the earth. I watched it move like a mighty wind. Not like an earthly wind, but it was magnificently stronger. Then I heard a trumpet sound and I saw floods of angels flowed and moved like a river, pouring out into the world. They went wherever the wind went first. The demons were terrified, because they were not prepared for this big move of God. They also became anxious and worried because they knew they were running out of time.
“I am about to come in wind, fire, and rain. Not one land will go unshaken. I am about to flood the earth with my glory like in the days of Noah, but in even greater measures. Alyssa, every nation is going to experience this movement. (I, Alyssa, saw liquid gold stirring in every country over the globe) The world has never seen my hand in this way before and you are about to step into all that I am doing. What you have tasted of is only a drip out of a faucet compared to the flood that I am about to release. As a response to this, things will be more black and white. There will be no more gray. Like oil and water are separated so will this world be.”

Zechariah 2
A Man With a Measuring Line
2 [a]Then I looked up, and there before me was a man with a measuring line in his hand. 2 I asked, “Where are you going?”He answered me, “To measure Jerusalem, to find out how wide and how long it is.” 3 While the angel who was speaking to me was leaving, another angel came to meet him 4 and said to him: “Run, tell that young man, ‘Jerusalem will be a city without walls because of the great number of people and animals in it. 5 And I myself will be a wall of fire around it,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will be its glory within.’ 6 “Come! Come! Flee from the land of the north,” declares the Lord, “for I have scattered you to the four winds of heaven,” declares the Lord. 7 “Come, Zion! Escape, you who live in Daughter Babylon!” 8 For this is what the Lord Almighty says: “After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you—for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye — 9 I will surely raise my hand against them so that their slaves will plunder them.[b] Then you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me. 10 “Shout and be glad, Daughter Zion. For I am coming, and I will live among you,” declares the Lord. 11 “Many nations will be joined with the Lord in that day and will become my people. I will live among you and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you. 12 The Lord will inherit Judah as his portion in the holy land and will again choose Jerusalem. 13 Be still before the Lord, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling. ”

After receiving this vision, for the next 3 or 4 days  I had dreams every night of tsunamis, floods, giant waves and rising oceans.  There wasn’t fear in any of my dreams, I just watched it happen. I felt like God was just confirming the word that He had spoken to me about the “flood” being released as in the days of Noah. And he also reminded me of the verse: Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

End of the Islam Dynasty

To conclude Discipleship school, our class took a two week trip overseas. We had three teams, two ventured to the Middle East and one made their way to Northwest Africa. We spent our time loving on the people, making friends, enjoying the culture and eating great food. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I am hoping to later write about all the amazing things that we witnessed including miracles, healings, dreams, visions and all that is in between. I am constantly reminded about God’s goodness and pursuit of the ones that he loves and I am still baffled as to how he uses the weak and imperfect to reveal himself. Anyways, this post is a revelation I received while I was in Lebanon.
            While we were in Lebanon, we attended a Sunday morning service at a Pentecostal church. This was my first time to experience a church like this and I LOVED it. Even though I had no idea what was being said, I learned that the Spirit of God is the same wherever you go. The place was so alive and the people were so loving. As I was worshiping the Lord showed me this vision:

            Jesus took me into this old building. It looked like it was once a beautiful, thriving palace. It was at one time a place of royalty and extravagance. The ceilings were covered with beautiful paintings and unique design. On either side there were giant columns lining the room. The floor was marble and had a strange checkered pattern.  Whatever this place was, it is dead now. There was nothing that filled the room, it was completely empty. There was no furniture, people, or décor. Jesus then spoke, “This place is a mosque and where we stand now is the palace of Islam. We are in the future, when Islam will no longer have breath, and its heart will no longer beat. The palace was dark, abandoned, and covered with dust. I could see that at the front of the room there were stairs that led to what was once a throne. The throne had even been removed. Jesus spoke again, “Every high and lofty kingdom will be brought down.” He then reminded me of the Egyptians and all of the gods they worshiped. He reminded me of the Greek gods that no longer receive glory. He showed me the ancient Aztecs and even kings and rulers like the Russian Czars. These were the gods and the kings of their time, and they all fell. “Alyssa, I want you to come to this place and call Islam into this reality, the reality of nonexistence. Believe that tall dynasties will be brought down through prayers and intercession of my people. I give you permission to ask for things that seem impossible.”
            It was about four days later when my friend Michelle and I went to the biggest mosque in the city. It is in the middle of Beirut and ironically surrounded by churches. We didn’t go because of the vision, in fact I didn’t even make any connection until later. To be honest, I was just curious. We entered into the mosque, put on our coverings, took off our shoes and were ready to pray. Some things happened there that I did not expect. As I was praying and looking around, I saw Jesus in the mosque! He was walking around and praying and ministering to the Muslims that were kneeling to Allah! I asked him, “Jesus, they are not praying to you. How is it that you are speaking to them?” He said, “Alyssa, I love them and died for them. I know they don’t know me, but that does not keep me from drawing near to them. Even if they never come to know me, at the end of time they will see I was with them the whole time.” Wow! My perspective of God and religion was just shattered. God is not confined and he isn’t even shut out of Islam. He is actually moving and at work in their hearts. God is God and nothing, not even Islam, will stop him! Some more things that God showed me were that one day the mosque will be empty and the churches surrounding them will be flooded. Also, the same way many churches in Europe have become like museums so will mosques. People will pay to see and will say, “This is what once was and is no longer.”
            We had a very powerful experience encountering the presence of God in a mosque. On our way back we were talking about everything Jesus had been speaking and then all of a sudden the connection happened! I had just received that vision a few days before about coming to that “palace” and I literally just lived it out. Not only had that happened, but the mosque in Beirut looked so similar to the one in my vision! There were high ceilings, tall pillars; even the floors had a checkered pattern. Once again I am blown away how big God is. It also made me realize that what He had spoken about the fall of Islam is His Word and it will come to pass! He has given us an invitation to bring down the false gods of religion and to put Jesus on the throne!