Monday, July 30, 2012

The Beautiful Bride

This post is an experience I had during my China adventure last month. It has nothing really to do with China, and has everything to do with the heart of Jesus.
            Sometimes Jesus will speak to me through dreams. Not all the time, but sometimes. So while I was traveling in China, I was having dreams almost every night! So here are a couple of them:
1.      In this dream I saw my mom. She came up to me and told me that she has many boyfriends. My dad was there and heard her, but there was no reaction from him. However when she said that, I began to weep. I was in so much pain. I woke up from that dream and I could tell that I had really been crying in my sleep and that grief was still there. I assumed that that dream was surely not from God and put it to the side.

2.      The next night I had another dream. In this dream, the missionary that we had been traveling with came up to me and told me that his wife had left him. I thought, “No way! I would have never thought that this would have been possible! How could that happen???” Next, I walk into another room. My friend (who in real life had just gotten married a couple weeks prior) told me that her and her husband had gotten a divorce and that she had already been remarried! She said that he had an expectation that she didn’t want to meet and asked for a divorce. This new man that she married was fragile looking, pale, weak, and he had no character compared to her prior husband who was strong physically, has strong character and is bold.  Once again I woke up again and was like surely that was not from the Lord!
Later that day, the Lord graciously helped me make the connection between the two dreams. I asked him, “Lord! Why did I have two dreams of broken marriages and of divorce?” Jesus replied to me, “I am speaking to you about the burden that I carry for my church, who is my bride. This is something that has always been on my heart. I have chosen her to be the one that my heart loves and I will come for her and my glory will shine through her purity. She will not be perfect, but she is redeemed. There is a thought that the church will reach “perfection” and then I will come for her, but that is not my will. It is not perfection, but abounding grace that covers her and that grace is what the world will see. Every church, every part of the body will be marked by my redemption. Just as you are pure and spotless in my eyes, so will she be.
            But the reason I am speaking to you in dreams is to reveal her current condition. She is self seeking, walking by her own understanding, feeling no guilt or remorse because she doesn’t know that what she is doing is wrong. It is not your job to open her eyes, but I have chosen you to speak my word.
            Prayer can change the direction of a destiny. Like a train track, just a small resetting of a track can change the final destination. I am asking you to remember my grief for her, remember my love for her, remember my jealousy for her, and remember my devotion to her. Carry this in your heart, not to have a heart of condemnation, but for Great Hope!”

Come forth beautiful one, the most beautiful one,
For the bridegroom has been waiting for your return.
He has love for you.
He has joy for you.
He has life for you.
Together you shine so bright that all of the world can see.

Come forth beautiful one, the most beautiful one,
For the bridegroom adores you.
You are like white before him.
He has hope for you.
He has plans for you.
He has a marvelous future for you.
Together you shine so bright that all of the world can see. 

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