Tuesday, July 17, 2012

End of the Islam Dynasty

To conclude Discipleship school, our class took a two week trip overseas. We had three teams, two ventured to the Middle East and one made their way to Northwest Africa. We spent our time loving on the people, making friends, enjoying the culture and eating great food. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I am hoping to later write about all the amazing things that we witnessed including miracles, healings, dreams, visions and all that is in between. I am constantly reminded about God’s goodness and pursuit of the ones that he loves and I am still baffled as to how he uses the weak and imperfect to reveal himself. Anyways, this post is a revelation I received while I was in Lebanon.
            While we were in Lebanon, we attended a Sunday morning service at a Pentecostal church. This was my first time to experience a church like this and I LOVED it. Even though I had no idea what was being said, I learned that the Spirit of God is the same wherever you go. The place was so alive and the people were so loving. As I was worshiping the Lord showed me this vision:

            Jesus took me into this old building. It looked like it was once a beautiful, thriving palace. It was at one time a place of royalty and extravagance. The ceilings were covered with beautiful paintings and unique design. On either side there were giant columns lining the room. The floor was marble and had a strange checkered pattern.  Whatever this place was, it is dead now. There was nothing that filled the room, it was completely empty. There was no furniture, people, or décor. Jesus then spoke, “This place is a mosque and where we stand now is the palace of Islam. We are in the future, when Islam will no longer have breath, and its heart will no longer beat. The palace was dark, abandoned, and covered with dust. I could see that at the front of the room there were stairs that led to what was once a throne. The throne had even been removed. Jesus spoke again, “Every high and lofty kingdom will be brought down.” He then reminded me of the Egyptians and all of the gods they worshiped. He reminded me of the Greek gods that no longer receive glory. He showed me the ancient Aztecs and even kings and rulers like the Russian Czars. These were the gods and the kings of their time, and they all fell. “Alyssa, I want you to come to this place and call Islam into this reality, the reality of nonexistence. Believe that tall dynasties will be brought down through prayers and intercession of my people. I give you permission to ask for things that seem impossible.”
            It was about four days later when my friend Michelle and I went to the biggest mosque in the city. It is in the middle of Beirut and ironically surrounded by churches. We didn’t go because of the vision, in fact I didn’t even make any connection until later. To be honest, I was just curious. We entered into the mosque, put on our coverings, took off our shoes and were ready to pray. Some things happened there that I did not expect. As I was praying and looking around, I saw Jesus in the mosque! He was walking around and praying and ministering to the Muslims that were kneeling to Allah! I asked him, “Jesus, they are not praying to you. How is it that you are speaking to them?” He said, “Alyssa, I love them and died for them. I know they don’t know me, but that does not keep me from drawing near to them. Even if they never come to know me, at the end of time they will see I was with them the whole time.” Wow! My perspective of God and religion was just shattered. God is not confined and he isn’t even shut out of Islam. He is actually moving and at work in their hearts. God is God and nothing, not even Islam, will stop him! Some more things that God showed me were that one day the mosque will be empty and the churches surrounding them will be flooded. Also, the same way many churches in Europe have become like museums so will mosques. People will pay to see and will say, “This is what once was and is no longer.”
            We had a very powerful experience encountering the presence of God in a mosque. On our way back we were talking about everything Jesus had been speaking and then all of a sudden the connection happened! I had just received that vision a few days before about coming to that “palace” and I literally just lived it out. Not only had that happened, but the mosque in Beirut looked so similar to the one in my vision! There were high ceilings, tall pillars; even the floors had a checkered pattern. Once again I am blown away how big God is. It also made me realize that what He had spoken about the fall of Islam is His Word and it will come to pass! He has given us an invitation to bring down the false gods of religion and to put Jesus on the throne! 

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